Is it Possible to Turn the Display Off Knowing the Monitor Handle?
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Is it Possible to Turn the Display Off Knowing the Monitor Handle?

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Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you need to turn off a monitor, but you don’t have access to the physical power button? Maybe you’re working with a script or an application that requires you to control the monitor’s power state remotely. Whatever the case, you’re in luck because today, we’re going to explore the possibilities of turning off a display using the monitor handle.

What is a Monitor Handle?

A monitor handle, also known as a device handle or device ID, is a unique identifier assigned to a device, in this case, a monitor. This handle is used by operating systems and software applications to interact with the device, send commands, and retrieve information.

Why Do We Need a Monitor Handle?

A monitor handle is essential when working with multiple monitors or in scenarios where you need to control a specific monitor programmatically. By knowing the monitor handle, you can perform various operations, such as:

  • Turning the monitor on or off
  • Adjusting display settings, like brightness and contrast
  • Configuring resolution and orientation
  • Determining the monitor’s current power state

Finding the Monitor Handle

Before we dive into turning off the display, we need to find the monitor handle. The process of retrieving the handle varies depending on the operating system and programming language used. Here are a few examples:


On Windows, you can use the Windows API function EnumDisplayDevices to retrieve the monitor handle. Here’s an example in C++:


int main() {
  HANDLE hMonitor = NULL;

  // Initialize the DISPLAY_DEVICE structure
  dd.cb = sizeof(DISPLAY_DEVICE);

  // Enumerate display devices
  for (int i = 0; EnumDisplayDevices(NULL, i, &dd, 0); i++) {
    // Check if the device is a monitor
      hMonitor = CreateFile(

      if (hMonitor != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
        // Use the handle to control the monitor
        // ...


  return 0;


On Linux, you can use the xrandr command-line utility to retrieve the monitor handle. Here’s an example in Python:

import subprocess

def get_monitor_handle(display_name):
  output = subprocess.check_output(["xrandr", "--listmonitors"])
  monitors = output.decode("utf-8").splitlines()

  for monitor in monitors:
    if display_name in monitor:
      return monitor.split()[0]

  return None

# Example usage
monitor_handle = get_monitor_handle("DP-1")

Turning Off the Display using the Monitor Handle

Now that we have the monitor handle, we can proceed to turn off the display. Again, the approach varies depending on the operating system and programming language used.


On Windows, you can use the SendMessage function to send the WM_SYSCOMMAND message with the SC_MONITORPOWER parameter to turn off the monitor:


int main() {
  HANDLE hMonitor = NULL;
  // ...


  return 0;


On Linux, you can use the xset command-line utility to turn off the monitor:

import subprocess

def turn_off_monitor(monitor_handle):["xset", "dpms", "force", "off", monitor_handle])

# Example usage

Tips and Considerations

When working with monitor handles and display control, keep the following tips and considerations in mind:

  • Ensure you have the necessary permissions and access rights to control the monitor.
  • Be cautious when using the monitor handle to avoid accidental shutdowns or disruptions.
  • Test your code thoroughly to ensure it works as expected on different systems and configurations.
  • Use the monitor handle in conjunction with other APIs or utilities to retrieve additional display information, such as resolution and orientation.
OS API/Utility Language
Windows Windows API (EnumDisplayDevices, SendMessage) C++, C#
Linux xrandr, xset Python, Bash


In conclusion, turning off a display using the monitor handle is not only possible but also achievable with the right tools and knowledge. Whether you’re working on a Windows or Linux system, understanding how to retrieve and utilize the monitor handle can unlock a range of possibilities for controlling and interacting with your displays.

By following the examples and guidelines provided in this article, you’ll be well on your way to mastering the art of display control using the monitor handle.

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Is it possible to turn the display off knowing the monitor handle” in a creative voice and tone:

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to your burning questions about monitor handles and display control!

Can I really turn off the display using the monitor handle?

Yes, you can! Most modern monitors come equipped with sensors that can detect when the handle is folded or tilted back, allowing you to turn off the display with a simple gesture.

How does the monitor handle know when to turn off the display?

The monitor handle contains a built-in motion sensor that detects changes in its position and angle. When the handle is folded or tilted back beyond a certain point, the sensor sends a signal to the monitor to turn off the display.

Will turning off the display using the monitor handle affect my computer’s performance?

No, turning off the display using the monitor handle will not affect your computer’s performance. The display is simply turned off, while your computer continues to run in the background, allowing you to quickly resume work or play when you’re ready.

Can I customize the monitor handle’s display-turning-off behavior?

Yes, you can! Many modern monitors come with software or firmware that allows you to customize the monitor handle’s behavior, including setting the angle or position required to turn off the display.

Is the monitor handle’s display-turning-off feature compatible with all operating systems?

Yes, the monitor handle’s display-turning-off feature is generally compatible with all modern operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux.