Unlocking the Secrets of Debian Packages: How to Use Shell Variables in Postinst
Image by Covington - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Secrets of Debian Packages: How to Use Shell Variables in Postinst

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Debian packages are the lifeblood of any Linux-based operating system, providing a convenient way to install and manage software. One of the most critical components of a Debian package is the postinst script, which runs after the package installation. But have you ever wondered, Is there any way to use shell variables in postinst in Debian package? The answer is yes, and in this article, we’ll delve into the world of Debian packaging and explore the ways to harness the power of shell variables in postinst scripts.

What is a Postinst Script?

A postinst script, short for post-installation script, is a crucial part of a Debian package. It’s a shell script that runs after the package installation, allowing package maintainers to perform various tasks, such as configuring the software, creating directories, or setting environment variables. The postinst script is executed with root privileges, making it an ideal place to perform system modifications.

The Importance of Shell Variables in Postinst

Shell variables play a vital role in postinst scripts, as they enable package maintainers to customize the installation process and adapt to different system configurations. By using shell variables, you can:

  • Set environment variables for the software being installed
  • Configure software settings based on system architecture or dependencies
  • Perform conditional actions based on user input or system settings
  • Store and retrieve values from configuration files

Using Shell Variables in Postinst: The Basics

To use shell variables in a postinst script, you’ll need to understand the basics of shell scripting and Debian packaging. Here’s a brief primer to get you started:

Shell Scripting 101

In shell scripting, variables are created using the assignment operator (=). For example:

MY_VAR="Hello World"

You can then use the variable in your script using the syntax:

echo $MY_VAR

Debian Packaging Basics

A Debian package consists of several components, including the package control file (debian/control), the package description file (debian/description), and the postinst script (debian/postinst). The postinst script is typically stored in the debian/ directory of the package source tree.

Passing Shell Variables to Postinst

Now that you have a basic understanding of shell scripting and Debian packaging, let’s dive into the meat of the matter: passing shell variables to postinst. There are two primary ways to do this:

Method 1: Using Debian’s dh Tool

The dh tool is a Debian packaging utility that helps you create and manage Debian packages. You can use dh to pass shell variables to postinst scripts using the –with option. For example:

dh --with MY_VAR="Hello World" --build-arch

This will set the MY_VAR variable to “Hello World” during the package build process, making it available in the postinst script.

Method 2: Using Environment Variables

You can also pass shell variables to postinst scripts using environment variables. This method is particularly useful when you need to set variables dynamically during the installation process. To do this, you’ll need to:

  1. Set the environment variable in the debian/rules file using the export command:
  2. export MY_VAR="Hello World"
  3. Use the variable in the postinst script:
  4. echo $MY_VAR

Using Shell Variables in Postinst Scripts

Now that you know how to pass shell variables to postinst scripts, it’s time to explore some practical examples. Let’s say you want to set a configuration variable based on the system architecture:

if [ $(dpkg --print-architecture) = "amd64" ]; then

You can then use the MY_VAR variable to configure your software accordingly:

echo "Configuring for $MY_VAR architecture"

Configuring Software Settings

Another common use case for shell variables in postinst scripts is configuring software settings based on user input or system dependencies. For example, you can use a shell variable to set the default editor:

EDITOR=$(echo "Select an editor: " && select_editor)

You can then use the EDITOR variable to set the default editor for the software being installed:

echo " Setting default editor to $EDITOR"

Best Practices and Pitfalls

When using shell variables in postinst scripts, it’s essential to follow best practices and avoid common pitfalls:

Best Practices

  • Use meaningful and descriptive variable names
  • Document variable usage in the postinst script and debian/control file
  • Test postinst scripts thoroughly to ensure variable usage is correct


  • Avoid using variables with the same name as system environment variables
  • Be cautious when using unquoted variables, as they may be subject to word splitting
  • Avoid using variables that are not defined or initialized


In conclusion, using shell variables in postinst scripts is a powerful way to customize and adapt Debian packages to different system configurations. By following the methods and best practices outlined in this article, you’ll be able to unlock the full potential of Debian packaging and create more flexible and robust software installations.

Remember, the key to success lies in understanding the basics of shell scripting and Debian packaging, as well as using shell variables effectively in postinst scripts. With practice and patience, you’ll become a master of Debian packaging and be able to create packages that meet the unique needs of your users.

Method Description
Using dh tool Pass shell variables to postinst scripts using the –with option
Using environment variables Set environment variables in the debian/rules file and use them in the postinst script

For more information on Debian packaging and postinst scripts, be sure to check out the official Debian documentation and the Debian Policy Manual.

Thanks for reading, and happy packaging!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to the most frequently asked questions about using shell variables in postinst in Debian packages!

Can I use shell variables in postinst scripts in Debian packages?

Yes, you can use shell variables in postinst scripts, but with some limitations. Since postinst scripts are executed by dpkg, they don’t have access to the same environment as the packaging process. However, you can pass variables from the packaging process to the postinst script using the `DEB_VENDOR` and `DEB_ARCH` environment variables.

How do I define shell variables in the postinst script?

You can define shell variables in the postinst script using the standard shell syntax, such as `MY_VAR=”my value”`. However, keep in mind that the postinst script is executed in a separate environment, so you cannot access variables defined in the packaging process.

Can I use environment variables set in the packaging process in my postinst script?

Unfortunately, no. Environment variables set during the packaging process are not accessible in the postinst script. However, you can pass variables as arguments to the postinst script using the `DEB_VENDOR` and `DEB_ARCH` environment variables, as mentioned earlier.

Are there any workarounds to access shell variables in postinst scripts?

One possible workaround is to write the desired variables to a file during the packaging process and then read that file in the postinst script. Another approach is to use a configuration file that is generated during the packaging process and read by the postinst script.

What are some best practices for using shell variables in postinst scripts?

When using shell variables in postinst scripts, make sure to declare them explicitly and avoid using variables with the same name as environment variables. Also, use quotes around variable assignments to avoid word splitting and pathname expansion.

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